Acidity: Acidity is also known as acid reflux. It’s a very common disease of all over the world. This disease is individualized by heartburn in the lower chest area. It may creat many complications such as gastric ulcers, cancer,difficulty in swallowing, excessive vomiting etc. We know that gastric glands in the stomach produce HCl acid to digest food and to kill germs. But producing of excessive acid is mainly responsible for acidity. Besides, eating heavy consumption of oily and spicy foods, unhealthy eating habits, side effect of medicine, stress and lack of sleep are also responsible for acidity. If you suffer from the acidity, you should consult with a doctor immediately. To diagnose it, he may ask you to do X-ray of stomach and to do an upper gastrointestinal endoscopy. According to your situation, doctor will prescribe you. If your situation is very worse, he may suggest you to do surgery to minimise the production of acid in stomach, otherwise he will give proper medicine.
"Takiya Homeo Care" is an online based platform where services are provided basically for Women and Children.
I'm Dr Alema Farhana Islam.
I'm graduated from Bangladesh Homoeopathic Medical College,Joykali Mandir.
We know that actually many women feel embarrassed to tell their personal problems like as irregular period and sexual problems etc with a male doctor.
Then they become exhausted and the don't understand what should they do.They are looking for a trustable female doctor with whom they can share everything without any hesitation.
Even I've seen that many mummies post their problems, baby's problems etc in several facebook group to get advice.
Though they can get some advice from other members of group. But I think these aren't appropriate at all.
Cause Doctor's advice is more preferable than others!
Doctor can also prescribe for different patients for different disease.
Nowadays Homeopathy is devided into different theories.
It's very tough to find a classical homeopathic doctor.
Cause majority percent of homeopathic doctor use many medicine at once or prescribe mix medicine for several disease at a time. As a result, many patients get relieve and many have complications. So they think that homeopathy does not work properly! And they lose confidence on homeopathy.
But I prescribe only one medicine for a particular disease and it’s called calssical homeopathy treatment. In classical homeopathy treatment, there is no risk of complications.
In the age of Internet, all kinds of services have reached your doorstep!
You can also share your health problems with "Takiya Homeo Care ".
I assured that you will get best health service from my " Takiya Homeo Care " Insha-Allah.
Let's spread Wellness at Everywhere!